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Ah Mei Cafe

15 Reviews
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Irene Wu
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Minggu lalu pas main ke pluit , dan lagi psen nyamil mampirkan ke ah mei cafe krn suka dengan kwetiaw goreng tiramnya. Dl lebih enak lagi tp masi okelah utk rasanya skrg. Utk tempat ga terlalu besar tp rame juga Yang diorder : Carrot cake : suka, tepung sama telurnya lembut dan rasa manisnya pas banget. Oke utk diorder. Char kwetiaw : yummmm... kwetiawnya lembut, rasanya manis asin + suka dengan tiramnya. Cm skrg tiramnya dikit dan kecil. Roti prata : biasa saja. Bahkan rotinya agak gosong, rasa hambar.. pas dicocol dgn kuah karinya jg standart utk karinya. Popia : popia gorengnya kecil dan keras. Not rekomen utk order. Barley : okelah. Overal utk ngemil b3 habis 200rban.. agak2 mahal si cm gpp krn jarang2 ngemil di sini.. 😜
Chandra Wijaya
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7 Roti Canai dengan Kuah Kari Paling Juara di Jakarta!
Nah, kalau sudah ke sini, kamu wajib pesan menu Roti Canai-nya dengan pilihan mutton dan chicken curry sebagai dipping sauce-nya. Kalau masih belum kenyang juga, restoran ini juga menyediakan Nasi Biryani, juga laksa, Mee Goreng Mamak, juga Singapore Hokkian Mee. 
Puspita Yuniastuti
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Roti Cane yang Pas Buat Camilan Saat Jakarta Hujan
Kamu gak akan menemukan roti canai di sini, melainkan roti prata. Tapi emang apa sih bedanya? Sebenarnya gak ada sih. Roti canai itu sebutan untuk Malaysia sedangkan roti prata sebutan untuk di Singapore. Roti prata banana cheese dan roti prata cheese curry-nya bener-bener menggoyang lidah!
Yulian Suwandri
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Another chain of Kopitiam in Jakarta's shopping malls. Ah Mei is one of the additions into the group. The first of the many branch they opened was at Mall Puri Indah and around a year after that, a branch pops up at Emporium Mall Pluit. I think every Kopitiam style eatery has their own specialities, some has more variety of menus, some serves a better 'teh tarik', some provides bigger portion and some with better pricing. Nevertheless, here is a review on this particular 'Kopitiam'. I'm actually slightly disappointed with the food. The Char Kuey Teow isn't good; slightly on the bland sight. Their chili condiments which I think is one of the most component in a Kopitiam store isn't good either. If the popiah and the plate of Char Kuey Teow wasn't satisfying at all, this cheese prata saved the day. But Ah Mei's cheese prata might be the only reason that I come back to Ah Mei from time to time. I always have this. It's a basic roti prata, but instead of egg and onion, there's a good handful of grated cheese in between the layers of the prata. I love the savoury of the curry lightly spread across the salty prata. Yummmm !! Well, I must say the curry itself was alright, acceptable but the cheese prata itself was the bomb. I had the egg and onion prata before and was alright, but definitely loose out to this one.

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5 Spot Nongkrong dengan Modal 50 Ribu di Emporium Mall Pluit7 Roti Canai dengan Kuah Kari Paling Juara di Jakarta!Roti Cane yang Pas Buat Camilan Saat Jakarta Hujan

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