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Bogor Cafe

5 Reviews
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Chandra Wijaya
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Sambut Paskah, 5 Tempat Ini Sajikan Telur Paskah yang Unik
Pilihan kedua, ada pun Borobudur Hotel yang bisa kamu kunjungi nanti. Setelah itu langkahkan kaki ke Bogor Cafe dan temukan aneka acara Easter yang menarik. Selain paket Easter Sunday Brunch dengan pilihan menu yang luar biasa nikmat, ada juga games untuk anak-anak bertema Easter Egg Hunt yang akan bikin si kecil kegirangan!
Sintya Winarsih
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Sop Buntut Nikmat di Jakarta, Dari Kaki Lima Sampai Bintang Lima
Last but not least ada sop buntut yang tersedia di Bogor Cafe, Hotel Borobudur. Resto yang ada di hotel ini memang terkenal banget sama sop buntutnya yang memiliki daging yang empuk dan kuah yang super segar. Tidak heran kalau sop buntut yang ada di sini sangat legendaris di kalangan pecinta kuliner. So, jangan sampai lupa untuk mampir ke sini dan coba menu sop buntut kelas bintang lima ya!
Puspita Yuniastuti
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Yuk Rayakan Thanksgiving Di 9 Restoran Ini!
Tanggal 24 November ini kamu juga bisa mengisinya dengan pergi ke Bogor Cafe di Borobudur Hotel. Roasted Turkey dengan Cranberry Sauce dan Caramelized Onion Jam, kemudian ada juga Chicken Tettrazini, Manhattan Clam Chowder dan Pecan Pie yang bakal bikin perayaan Thanksgiving kamu memorable. Info lebih lanjut kamu bisa hubungi ke nomor 021 3805555 ya!
Margareth Stella
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15 Makanan Khas INDONESIA Paling Favorit!
Semua bagian daging sapi emang enak banget buat dimakan, termasuk buntut nya! Daging nya berasa gurih banget, lebih enak dari bagian yang lain. Kalo lagi bingung nyari di mana yang enak, nggak usah pusing-pusing. Segera meluncur ke Bogor Cafe, restoran bikinan Hotel Borobudur yang sop buntut nya legendaris banget. BOMB!
Wayne Watts
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Wanted to find a place that had a good Thanksgiving dinner as this was my 3rd Thanksgiving here in Jakarta and the 2 previous outings sucked. After looking at the many options out there, this place sounded good so I opted to give it a try. Unfortunately, I was again very disappointed. The turkey was over cooked and dry. The stuffing, if you could call it that, was horrible. Creamed peas completely wrong. Mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes were ok. No cranberry sauce but they had a very liquidy cranberry something that didn't work. I said in the title, not too bad, because the rest of the buffet was huge, had many options and some of it was quite good. Unfortunately, that's not what I went there for but got my fill of some good food anyway. It's not as good as the buffet at Shangri La. It was also quite expensive in my opinion for what you got. I ordered a bottle of wine and it took the staff 20 minutes to bring it to us, the waitress forgot the bottle opener, 5 minutes later came back with it, then couldn't use it, then got a waiter to help her, then after all that, he didn't pour a sample to taste first.....just poured a glass LOL. Hopefully I can find a better place that knows how to make a real Thanksgiving dinner that's prepared correctly next year.

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Sambut Paskah, 5 Tempat Ini Sajikan Telur Paskah yang UnikSop Buntut Nikmat di Jakarta, Dari Kaki Lima Sampai Bintang LimaYuk Rayakan Thanksgiving Di 9 Restoran Ini!

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